
2-hour late start Thursday, February 13th.

Food / Health

What is the Healthy Kids Act?

The Healthy Kids Act is an Iowa law that establishes nutritional content standards for foods and beverages sold or provided on school grounds during the school day requires every student in grades K-5 has 30 minutes of physical activity per day and every student in grades 6-12 have 120 minutes per week of physical activity requires every student to complete a course that leads to certification in CPR.

Sodas/Carbonated beverages are no longer allowed.

For more information regarding the Healthy Kids Act, go to the Iowa Department of Education website at https://educateiowa.gov/pk-12/learner-supports/healthy-kids-act.

Glidden-Ralston has approved a “Wellness Policy,” as required by federal legislation. This policy affects some activities related to parties and celebrations in the classrooms, rewards fundraising. 

Wellness Policy

Local Wellness Policy Triennial Assessment 

Wellness Policy Progress Report

Lunch & Breakfast Menus

Free and Reduced Price Lunch and Breakfast Program

Free and reduced price lunch and breakfast programs are available for eligible families. Please fill out the free-reduced lunch/breakfast application and return the form to the school office.  We encourage you to apply, even if you are not sure about qualifying.  

Free and Reduced Information Letter / Carta de Informacion para Padres/Tutores para Recibir  Comida Gratis o a Precio Reducido

How to Apply for Free and Reduced  / Como Hacer su Solicitud para Comidas/Leche Gratis o a Precio Reducido

Free and Reduced Application / Solicitud 2023-2024 de Iowa Para Comidas/Leche en la Escuela Gratis o a Precio Reducido


USDA Nondiscrimination Statement